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“WLS” Chapter # 3 : Coffee, Converse, and Connect …

Women, Leadership, and Success


Coffee, Converse, and Connect …


Filita Visaya – Tiwari, attended The University of Toronto and is the Founder, Owner, and President of “The Synergy Hub”, which is a Digital Marketing Agency in Toronto, Canada that focuses on connecting companies with their customers in a new digital world. Their objective is to help organizations communicate their unique story with a primary focus on social media marketing, lead generation, relationship building, e’mail marketing, web design, business development, and influencer marketing.  Moreover, “The Synergy Hub” supports local Entrepreneurs by Hosting Events that offer Business Training, Professional Networking, and Customer Acquisition Marketing Workshops.


Filita Visaya – Twari …


Please List TWO “Business or Life Lessons” – (Or One of Each) – That You Have Learned Along The Way That Has Significantly Contributed To Your Personal and / or Professional Development and Success ???


Business Lesson :


Put the SOCIAL back into Social Media !!! Refuse to hide and interact behind a keyboard and a computer screen. Get yourself out there, let others get to know who you are and what you do. That was the main reason why I started our “Coffee Klatch” – A casual social gathering for coffee and conversation amongst a variety of Up and Coming Business Employees, Business Owners, and Ambitious Minded Business Seekers – as a way for local entrepreneurs to connect in person.  Our “Coffee Klatch” is all about building relationships, the connections you will make, and the lives that you will touch. It’s a way to create a more open, honest, and transparent interaction to help further and build our respective Business Communications, Aspirations, and Communities.


Life Lesson :


Keep Moving “Forward” no Matter what !!!  You may have to stop to Re-evaluate where it is that you are going, but if you keep proceeding “Forward” you will always be “Moving” in the Correct Direction.  Success is NEVER a Straight Line.  So specifically Plan your Work, Work your Plan,  Keep your Eyes on the Goal, and go Chase down Achievement and Accomplishment – Dream Big, You Can Do It !!!


Filita Visaya – Tiwari



Have A Fantastic Day – You Deserve It !!!,


Nelson Beltijar


Remember, CARES about Your Success


Don’t EVER Let Anyone Steal Your …

We were standing in line at a coffee shop (S***bucks) … and …  Overheard the 3 people behind us loudly complaining about how “Sarah” couldn’t  be with them right now because she was registering for a workshop / conference … They secretly giggled & heckled her … and … her reasons for wanting to “BE” herself … and … “Improve” herself …  and … that she was  “missing out” by not being there with them … The derogatory comments continued …

It was taking “forever” to get to the pay counter and I couldn’t help myself … I turned around to these 3 and said very gently … “I guess Success Sucks, when its’ Somebody Else’s huh ???”

The couple sitting to our left as we were standing in line, accidently overheard my comment, gagged on their beverages, … And … glanced up at me and smiled.

You, Me, and We, all deserve to live a Fulfilling Life … And … Become the greatest version of Ourselves … Don’t EVER let anyone steal YOUR Dream !!!



Have a Fantastic Day – You Deserve It.

Nelson Beltijar


Ps – “Sarah” … Wherever you are … Whoever you are … Wishing you huge Success – Got Your Back !!! 🙂


Remember, “CARES” about your Success


“WLS” Chapter #2 : “Life, Love, and Lashes”

Women, Leadership, and Success


Life, Love, and Lashes …


Slavica McIntyre, a University of Toronto Graduate and The Owner of “I Love Lashes” in Burlington, Ontario, Canada, understands how busy life can get. Having 3 young children, running a business, and being involved in networking and volunteering takes up most of her time. She understands how difficult it can be for women to appear and feel beautiful every day, as well as, the uplifting connection between feeling good and looking good. It’s hard for women who are engaged in their careers, are stay at home moms, are caregivers, are juggling careers and families, are athletically engaged, and have so many other expectations placed upon them and it’s her “Mission” to ensure that they can wake up looking and feeling beautiful “without” having to do anything first thing in the morning on top of everything else that needs to get done.


Slavica McIntyre …


Please List TWO “Business or Life Lessons” – (Or One of Each) – That You Have Learned Along The Way That Has Significantly Contributed To Your Personal and / or Professional Development and Success ???


Great blog Nelson !!!!! – I agree with everything that you’ve stated in it! …


Life Lesson :


The world around us makes us feel that we need more – I on the other hand believe that we need less to be truly happy. With my 3 kids, a husband, and 2 dogs …. All that Matters in Our Lives are “Experiences, Not Stuff.”


To us, It’s Not about the Mercedes Benz, nor the Louis Vuitton bags, nor the Prada shoes, nor being dressed in the latest Fashion Craze.  The life lesson that I would like to share is to Live For “More Experiences, LESS Stuff” – I’d much rather go for a walk with my family, friends and dogs instead of going to the mall to “shop” just for the sake of shopping and end up purchasing a designer watch, designer jeans, or anything else designer.  It’s like when my kids were younger and they’d ask for the latest fad toy, which we’d end up buying them, only to find out in the end that they would spend more time playing with the box that it came in. The designer watch, the designer clothes, or the designer anything would never bring more happiness into my life, yet spending quality “memory making” time with family and friends would.


Here’s Another example, this summer we treated our eldest daughter to a trip to Italy and Greece, instead of buying her a car. She loved the “Experience” of Travelling Abroad, Learning Different Cultures, and Seeing Different Lands.  A car could never bring such an experience of personal growth even if it was a Mercedes Benz, a Bentley, or even a Rolls Royce.  I feel that when an individual is happy with oneself, material things are only a Hindrance.


We live in a small condo, and we only have what is “Essential.”  Not the “BS” Fluff.  I drive an old van and I love it, I couldn’t care less about driving a Luxury Car as it wouldn’t make me any happier.  My kids will eventually find out that a Mercedes Benz is used a Cab in the Country that it’s manufactured in.  If people judge me for the old van that I drive, then they won’t be a part of the life that I live.  We only live once, choose to “Invest in Experiences, Instead of Stuff”


Business Lesson :


This brings me to lesson # 2 which crosses into both Business and Life – Never Judge Another – We never know what other people are going through, we don’t know what Family, Health, Financial, or Employment Hardships they’re currently dealing with, and I’m sure that we are completely unaware of whatever Heartaches they may be carrying within them and living with either.  We should all be nice to everyone !!!  We should all treat others in the way that we’d expect Our Family, Our Friends, and Ourselves would want be treated by others.  Judgement has no place in my world, and I strive to teach my children that too. They’ve come to recognize and realize that acceptance “without” judgement must be the norm !!! Gratefully, They have made friends with people that they’ve never thought that they would ever been friends with. They have grown to be empathetic, and sympathetic instead of being critical, condemning, and judgemental. Great Friendships, Partnerships, and Relationships form when we Open Our Minds and when we Open Our Hearts.


I hope this helps my friend !!!  Anytime I can help, in whatever way, please reach out !!!  Sending “Positive” and “Healing” Vibes your way Nelson.


Slavica McIntyre – I Love Lashes
“I Love Lashes” Facebook Page
“I Love Lashes” Website



Have a Fantastic Day – You Deserve It !!!


Nelson Beltijar


Remember, CARES about Your Success


Mexico, Los Angeles, New York … Oh My !!!

Hi Everybody …

A Mexican Fisherman Meets a Harvard MBA … Enjoy 😊

Posted on 15 December, 2012 by sakinshrestha

This story is originally written by Heinrich Böll, and the title was: Anekdote zur Senkung der Arbeitsmoral (“Anecdote on the Decline of the Work Ethic”).


It is about an encounter between an enterprising tourist … and … a small fisherman.


An American businessman was standing at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large Yellowfin Tuna. The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish.

The American Harvard MBA: How long did it take for you to catch them?
The Mexican Fisherman: Only a little while.

The American Harvard MBA: Why don’t you stay out longer and catch more fish?
The Mexican Fisherman: I have enough to support my family’s immediate needs.

The American Harvard MBA: But what do you do with the rest of your time?
The Mexican Fisherman: Responding with a smile, “I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take a siesta with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos, I have a full and busy life, senor.”

The American Harvard MBA: Impatiently interrupted, “Look, I have an MBA from Harvard, and I can help you to be more profitable. You can start by fishing several hours longer every day. You can then sell the extra fish you catch. With the extra money, you can buy a bigger boat. With the additional income that larger boat will bring in more profits and, before long you can buy a second boat, then a third one, and so on, until you have an entire fleet of fishing boats.”

The American Harvard MBA: Proud of his own sharp thinking, he excitedly elaborated a grand scheme which could bring even bigger profits, “Then, instead of selling your catch to a middleman you’ll be able to sell your fish directly to the processor, or even open your own cannery. Eventually, you could control the product, processing and distribution. You could leave this tiny coastal village and move to Mexico City, or possibly even Los Angeles or New York City, where you could even further expand your enterprise.”

The Mexican Fisherman: asked, “But senor, how long will all this take?”
The American Harvard MBA: After a rapid mental calculation, he replied “Probably about 15-20 years, maybe less if you work really hard.”

The Mexican Fisherman: asked, “And then what, senor?”
The American Harvard MBA: laughed and said, “That’s the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO (Initial Public Offering) and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions.”

The Mexican Fisherman: asked “Millions, senor? … Then what?”
The American Harvard MBA: said slowly, “Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take a siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos”

The Mexican Fisherman: said slowly, “But senor, look around, I already have that”


The moral of the story is: 
Know What Really Matters in “Your” Life  –  You May Find That it’s “Already” Much Closer Than You Think.



Have a Fantastic Day – You Deserve It !!!,

Nelson Beltijar


Remember, “CARES” about your Success


“WLS” Chapter #1 : She’s “Living” The Dream

Women, Leadership, and Success


She’s “Living” The Dream …


Jaime Filer is a Kinesiology graduate of York University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, as well as, a graduate from The National Personal Training Institute in Orlando, Florida, USA.  She is a Global Health & Fitness Expert and The Editor of The Biggest Bodybuilding Magazine in Canada.  Jaime has found a way to “Impact The World” with her Professional Passion while enjoying her life at the very same time.  If You Ask Her, She’ll Tell You That She’s Definitely “Living” Her Dream.


Jaime Filer …


Please List TWO “Business or Life Lessons” – (Or One of Each) – That You Have Learned Along The Way That Has Significantly Contributed To Your Personal and / or Professional Development and Success ???


Business Lesson: Your dream job isn’t going to look like your dream job right away


I remember being 17, and completely enthralled with Jillian Michaels. I remember watching her on The Biggest Loser, and thinking that if I was going to be anything in the fitness industry, it was going to be Jillian; millions of people watching me every week, impacting the lives of hundreds of people, and making the world a healthier place one episode at a time. It didn’t happen. I graduated university, went to college, and 5 years later, ended up as the Editor-in-Chief of Canada’s biggest bodybuilding magazine,  I may not have ended up on television, but I still have people watching me every week on our social media platformsI have still impacted the lives of hundreds of people by producing and curating content in the magazine, and I’ve made the world a healthier place, one issue at a time.


Life Lesson: Don’t take anything personally


I learned this one through the book, “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz. It speaks to the fact that everyone is fighting their own battle, and as a result, they may say or do things that you take to heartThey made offend you. But truthfully, nothing anyone does is inherently because of you (unless you’re an a$$hole)According to Ruiz, “What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. So take yourself out of your head, realize that unless you did something to instigate their offense, this really had nothing to do with you. The sooner you get over that and realize it, the sooner you can manifest your own dreams, and get back to your positive reality.


Jaime Filer – B.A. Honors Kinesiology


Have a Fantastic Day – You Deserve It !!!


Nelson Beltijar


Remember, CARES about Your Success


You Can’t Serve “Two” Masters

No One Can Serve “Two” Masters.  Either You Will Hate the One and Love the Other, or You Will Be Devoted to the One and Despise the Other …


The Choice is Yours …


… You can Either Have a Lifetime Filled with “Excuses” … or … You can Have a Lifetime Filled with “Results” … But … Not Both



Have a Fantastic Day – You Deserve It !!!,

Nelson Beltijar


Remember, “CARES” about your Success


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