Good Morning Friends !!! – How do you like your eggs cooked ??? – Sunnyside Up ??? … Over Easy ??? … or … Scrambled ??? – Isn’t it great to have the luxury of a Teflon “Non-Stick” pan ??? … That Teflon pan is not only quick and easy to use and clean, it’s light weight and easy to store away as well. However, the “Heaviest” thing a person could ever “Carry” is a prolonged emotionally filled long lasting Grudge. Free Up Your Soul Folks … And … “Forgive”.

Forgiveness doesn’t change the past, but it does allow for a “New” Future. Rip down your rear view mirror and focus your efforts on forging ahead towards becoming a Greater version of yourself.

If you are unable to forgive, how can you ever expect to be forgiven ??? – Be careful that you not judge, for you will be open to being judged as equally, harshly, and accordingly.

It is far better to forgive and forget rather than to hate and remember.

Many a time, the person that you carry this prolonged, grudge – filled, burning torch for is completely oblivious to the fact that they even did anything to offend you in the first place.

Teflon is a tough synthetic resin used to coat “Non-Stick” cookware and utensils so that nothing is able to stick to it while in use. Be like Teflon, withstand ALL criticisms and / or personal attacks with No apparent effects, spare yourself the un-needed inner emotional turmoil, and let “EVERYTHING” just slide right off of You during life’s Heated moments.

The Greatest revenge against any Malicious activity is complete Forgiveness



Have a Fantastic Day  –  You Deserve It,


Nelson Beltijar


Remember, CARES about Your Success