… Sports, Music & Life 


…  It’s ALL about Perspective !!!


Have a Visual Listen to this conversation between a Parent and one of their Friends  –  Truly Eye Opening … 


Parent : One of my friends asked me – “Why do you pay so much money and spend so much time running around for your children taking them …

1)  To band practice 

2)  To learning how to play a musical instrument 

… and / or … 

3)  To play travel basketball

Aren’t your days and weeks full enough ???”  

… Well, I have a confession to make : I don’t pay for my child’s musical lessons / activities or travel basketball … or … instruments, sheets of music, band / basketball camps, basketball uniforms, sport bags, gym shoes, or the many roads trips all spring and summer long. 


Friend :  So, if You’re not paying for musical lessons / activities … or … travel basketball, what are you paying for?


Parent :

  • I pay for those moments when my child becomes so tired and frustrated that they feel like quitting … but … Don’t.
  • I pay for the opportunity that my child will have life – long friendships. 
  • I pay for the chance that my child will have amazing coaches / instructors that will teach them that participating in musical learning is not just about “playing” the instrument and that basketball is not just about “dribbling” a basketball … but … about “Life.”
  • I pay for my child to learn to be disciplined. 
  • I pay for my child to learn to take care of their mind and their body. 
  • I pay for my child to learn to work with others and to be a proud, supportive, kind and respectful team member.
  • I pay for my child to learn to deal with disappointment, like when they miss that game winning shot of a Championship Game … or … when they make an unexpected piano playing mistake during competition because the piano chair accidently slipped affecting their performance stripping them of  First Place.
  • I pay for the development of their resiliency, their ability to stand back up again after every time that they fall or fail.
  • I pay for their self – determination to “become” better and to do their very BEST during each and every practice, performance, and / or game.
  • I pay for my child to learn how to make, write down, chase after, accomplish, achieve and evaluate goals. 
  • I pay for my child to learn that it takes hours and hours and hours and hours of hard study, dedicated work, mental preparation, and correct specific repetitive practice habits to achieve Greatness and that success does not happen overnight. 
  • I pay so that my child can be in the gym or in a live musical atmosphere instead of inactively sitting in front of a computer / tablet screen, and / or running around the streets with the wrong group of kids.

I could go on but, to be short, I don’t pay for musical lessons / activities or travel basketball; I pay for the “opportunities” that these vehicles provide my child to develop attributes that will serve them well throughout their life and give them the opportunity to bless the lives of others now and in the future.  From what I have seen for many, many years, I think it is a Great Investment !!!


… Have you ever thanked your parents / guardians for investing their valuable time and hard earned money IN you ???


… They knew that “Adversity” builds and / or reveals “Character.”


“Character” is the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.


… The “Character” of a person consists of ALL the Qualities that make them unique and distinct from other people.


… Good Trees “Bear” Good Fruit. 


… Cheers to Supportive Self Sacrificing Parents & Guardians, Sports, Music, and The “Gift” of  Life.


Have a Fantastic Day  –  You Deserve It !!!,


Nelson Beltijar


Ps.  –  “The ONLY Time a Lazy Person Accomplishes Something is when they do NOTHING”




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