A Psychologist walked Around a Room while teaching Stress Management to an Audience. As she raised a Glass of Water, everyone expected they’d be asked the “Half Empty … or … Half Full” question. Instead, with a smile on her face, she inquired: ”How Heavy is this Glass of Water?”


Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz.


She replied, “The absolute Weight doesn’t matter. How long You hold it Up Is what’s Important here.”


If You hold it for a Minute, it’s Not a Problem. If You hold it for an Hour, You’ll have an Ache in Your Arm. If You hold it for a Day, your Arm will Feel Numb and Paralyzed. In each case, the Weight of the Glass doesn’t Change, but the Longer You Hold it, the Heavier it Becomes.”


She continued, “The Stresses and Worries in Life are like that Glass of Water.”


“Think about them for a While and Nothing happens. Think about them a bit Longer and they Begin to Hurt. Think about them All Day Long, You’ll Feel Paralyzed … and … Incapable of Doing Anything.”


“It’s Important to Remember to Let Go of Your Stresses. As Early in the Evening as You can, rid Yourself of All Your Burdens. Don’t carry them through the Evening and into Your night. Remember to Put the Glass Down!”


Author Unknown



Have a Fantastic Day – You Deserve It !!!,

Nelson Beltijar


PS :

Stress : is a Mental or Emotional Strain or Tension Resulting from Adverse or Demanding Circumstances. In a Medical or Biological context “Stress” is a Physical, Mental, or Emotional Factor that Causes Bodily or Mental Tension. Stress can be External (from environment, psychological, or social situations) … and / or … Stress can be Internal (illness) as well.

Synonyms : Worry, Anxiety, Trouble, Difficulty, Pressure



A) Prolonged “Stress” can Cause many Symptoms of ill Health such as :

1) High Blood Pressure

2) Headaches

3) Neck Aches

4) Muscle Tension and Pain

5) Cramps

6) Dizziness

7) Asthma, Shortness of Breath

8) Digestive Symptoms such as Diarrhea, Bloating

9) Nausea

10) Irritable Bowel Syndrome

11) Lack of Appetite

12) Over-Eating

13) Ulcers

14) Cravings

15) Crying Easily, Emotional Instability, Mood Swings

16) Tiredness

17) Sexual Problems

18) Poor Immune System Function


B) “Triggers” of Stress :

1) Death of a Loved One

2) Divorce, A Break-Up, Arguments with Your Partner

3) Loss of a Job

4) Increase in Financial Obligations

5) Getting Married

6) Unhappy with Your Job

7) Overwhelmed with Too Much Responsibility

8) Change, Fear, and Uncertainty

9) Unrealistic Expectations

10) Negative Thoughts and Feeling Defeated & Deflated

11) Success (Positive Stress)



C) Methods to “Decrease” Stress :

1) Dedicate a Certain Time of the Day to Relax and Not care About the Other Things that are Going on in Your Day

2) Connect with True Friends, Do something social

3) Perform Relaxation Techniques : Breathe Deeply, Meditate, Visualize a Happy Place, Stretch Out to Encourage Blood Flow

4) Forget “Perfection”

5) Decrease Hostility & Anger and Erase Grudges

6) Forgive !!!

7) Lighten Up, Laugh a little, Better Yet, Laugh A lot

8) Get Proper Sleep : 7-8 Hours of Uninterrupted Sleep Everyday

9) Exercise 30-60 Minutes Aerobically 5 times / week : Running, Cycling, Walking, Active Housework & Gardening, Hiking, Swimming, and even Dancing … (Always Consult with Your Family Physician “BEFORE” starting ANY Exercise Program)

10) Find the “Cause” and “Treat” the Cause of the Stress

11) Avoid Artificial Stimulants such as Caffeine, Alcohol and Nicotine

12) Avoid Refined Sugar, which causes Blood Sugar levels to Spike and Dip which can Affect Mood.

13) Eat Meals at Regular Intervals to Avoid Blood Sugar Dips that Trigger a Release of Adrenaline.

14) Turn On the Music … Pump Up the Volume … and … Enjoy Your Favourite Songs

15) Always Consult with Your Family Doctor For Direction if You have been Feeling Stressed or Overwhelmed for a Prolonged Period of Time


“Who of You by Worrying Can Add a Single Hour to Your Life ???” – Matthew Chapter 6 : Line 27


Remember, ThePositiveDrip.com “CARES” about your Success